Our team of St Peter’s Advocates are:
Headteacher – Dr Neil Pyper
Pupil Experience – Mrs Eleanor Sinton and 1 x vacancy (please see below for details on the role and application process)
Community – Mr Ashton Greenwood and 1 x vacancy (please see below for details on the role and application process)
Christian Distinctiveness – Rev Laura Handy and Mrs Shona George-McHugh
Advocate Overview 2022/2023
Last academic year (2022/23), was the first year our School Advocate team has been in action, previously the school had a team of School Improvement Board Members/Governors. The Advocate team is made up of four roles: COMMUNITY, PUPIL EXPERIENCE, CHRISTIAN DISTINCTIVENESS and HEADTEACHER ADVOCATE.
During the course of the first year, our Advocates visited the school on a number of occasions to carry out a range of activities including talking to parents/carers, staff and pupils. The Advocates feedback on their visits to the Leadership Team at St Peter’s and they also attend termly meetings with the Trustees. This ensures Advocate feedback is purposeful and helps to make the school even better for everyone.
Last academic year, focus areas were:
Autumn term – Staff well-being, curriculum in Year 2 and Year 4, vulnerable pupils, safeguarding, experience of EYFS parents, spirituality.
Spring term – Curriculum – what’s working well, impact on vulnerable pupils, Year 2 and Year 4 PP and SEND pupils, how parents are supported with and kept informed of their child’s learning.
Summer term – Highlights of school experiences, transition to middle school for pupils and parents, CPD opportunities for staff,
From the visits and feedback, areas of strength and areas for development were identified, with outcomes and actions reported to Trustees and objectives set.
Below is a selection of some of the feedback and possible development areas:
Christian Distinctiveness:
Pupil Experience:
If you wish to feedback to one of the Advocates or meet them on their next visit to school, please email the school office on spoffice@riverscofe.co.uk. The Advocates would really love to talk to as many parents/carers as possible.
Many thanks to our Advocate Team.
If you are aged 18 and over and not a Rivers member of staff, then you can be an advocate.
Our schools are diverse and rich in culture, we aim for our advocates to reflect this. There is no experience or formal training required to become an advocate and you don’t need in-depth knowledge of education. Induction and safeguarding training will be given. Volunteers who accept an advocate role will need an Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.
There is a minimum expectation regarding time commitment, but the responsibility of making a difference is extremely rewarding. Advocates are required to visit the school once a term (3 visits), attend one or two follow-up meetings each term (in person or virtually) and attend an annual governance day (in-person).
Please contact the school office should you have any queries about the role or application process.
Full details on the governance structure at MAT level can be found at Governance | The Rivers CofE Multi Academy Trust