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St. Peter's Droitwich C of E Academy

"Love, Learn, Live"


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Ofsted and Performance Data

Ofsted School Inspection Report 


St. Peter's school was last inspected in June 2019, when the school was judged to be good.

Some of the comments from the inspection report:


  • Your mantra of "no child left behind" means that all pupils achieve well and thrive.
  • The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school.
  • The school is a caring community in which staff value and nurture pupils as individuals.
  • Pupils are friendly, polite and kind to each other.  They work hard in lessons are are keen to do well.
  • Pupils feel safe in school and say that there is an adult they can talk to if something is worrying them.
  • Lessons are purposeful and work matches pupils' abilities well.
  • Strong governance further enhances leaders' capacity to sustain school improvement.


You can read the full report below:

Ofsted Parent View


Parent View gives you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think about the school, from the quality of teaching to dealing with bullying and poor behaviour.  The survey can be completed at any time, you don't have to wait until the school is being inspected.


Ofsted will use the information you provide when making decisions about which schools to inspect and when.


Click the link below to register and complete a survey.

Parent/Carer Surveys


The school values the views of parent/carers and gathers these via online surveys.  Below are the results of the most recent surveys sent out to the parent/carers of the current Year 1 to Year 4 pupils, and also a separate survey that was sent out to the EYFS parent/carers.


St. Peter's and National 2024 Data 

At St. Peter's we fulfil all statutory assessments to monitor the quality of education and outcomes for children. 

Please find below the data for 2024. 


Early Years Foundation Stage Good Level of Development (GLD)

St. Peter's 71%
National (Provisional)68%


Year 1 Phonics Screening 

St. Peter's 93%
National (Provisional)80%


Year 2 Phonics Screening

St. Peter's 92%
National (Provisional)TBC


Key Stage 1 Teacher Assessments

Working at the Expected Standard and Greater Depth

 St. Peter'sNational (Provisional)


Working at Greater Depth Within the Expected Standard 

 St. Peter'sNational (provisional)


Working at the Expected Standard in Science

 St. Peter'sNational (Provisional)


Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check

 Average ScoreScoring 25/25
St. Peter's21.4 40%
National (Provisional)TBCTBC


School's Performance Tables


Click the link below to view the school's performance information:




Click the following link to view performance tables of other schools to provide you with a comparison of performance information - Find and compare schools in England - GOV.UK (



Reminder - Applications for children starting School or going to Middle School in September 2025 need to be submitted by 15th January 2025.