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Welcome to

St. Peter's Droitwich C of E Academy

"Love, Learn, Live"


Home Page

What does our Vision and our Values look like?

Our 3 Golden Rules

12 Days of Collecting

As part of Advent, a time on the Christian calendar which is used to prepare for Christmas, we have invited our school family to join in with '12 Days Of Donating'. We are always so amazed by the generosity of our school community. Have a look at what has been donated so far! 



40 Acts of Kindness 

During Lent season and in preparation for Easter, JAM group encouraged the whole school to focus on showing simple acts of kindness both in school and at home. One of the many random acts of kindness we have displayed was to donate for Droitwich Foodbank. This was such a great act from the school community! 


The Choir and The Care Homes!

Our children enjoy singing to local care homes who join them in rehearsals via TEAMs.


World Mental Health Day

We recognise that we need to keep our minds healthy as well as our bodies. To find out more about the 5 ways to wellbeing click here.


Preparing for the Harvest

At St. Peter's we have a close relationship with Droitwich Food bank.  They have written to us again this year to ask for our donations of harvest gifts.  





We have had many new children join us at the beginning of the academic year.  We say hello to 90 reception children and to many other children across the school.  We welcome all of you to our friendly community.

Reflecting on what was going on in the world during Activity Week 2021 we decided that we needed a little bit of hope!  Mr Simpson wrote an exciting story and with the help of Rosie Philpott our St. Peter's children created the beautiful artwork creating their very own story book.  Click on the picture below to listen to our story.   

A story of Hope

Still image for this video

At St. Peter's we feel that it is important to look out into our community and support were we can.  Our 2020 Christmas in the Community project involved reaching out to the elderly in our community.  As it was not possible to visit our elderly neighbours we took Christmas to them in a more virtual way! 

We were busy in the month of December making Christmas decorations, writing Christmas prayers and poems and practising Christmas hymns and songs that we recorded onto our very own CD. Our JAM team (Jesus and Me) then created Christmas packs that were delivered out to the local care homes and to each member of the Droitwich Age Uk group.  

Our Year 2 children have also teamed up with the residents of a local care home whom they meet with online and let them know what we've been doing in school.  

We are also part of the St. Peter's Church community.  As we enjoyed making our decorations so much we provided a box full for Reverend Laura to distribute.  They were very much appreciated by the parishioners. 

Agate Class singing O Little Town of Bethlehem

This was one track that was included in the Christmas pack. Each class contributed to the CD.

During the month of November we create an annual whole school display to recognise Remembrance Day.  Children create their poppy masterpieces at home with the support of parents/carers and then share them in school.  We hold a whole school Collective Worship where we give thanks. 


Serving In Our Community

We have a very active Eco Council at St. Peter's who regularly serve our community through their litter picking service and supporting with the Droitwich Community Garden.

We celebrate the Incarnation and Salvation of Jesus Christ at St. Peter's which are both joyous occasions.  Each year our JAM team (Jesus and Me) plan and prepare our acts of kindness event.  They work together to create the theme for the whole school and class value boards and prepare prayers and pause for thought to be used in the Acts of Worship during this time. 

Over the past two years we have focused on the children’s understanding of how they as an individual can make a difference.  By using the theme ‘Dare to be Different’ the exploitation of the natural world was used as a vehicle of change.  The theme was launched with an activity week ‘Our Beautiful World’ where each year group focused on a different aspect of protecting the natural world. The children have engaged with making of class Eco bricks with many continuing the practice at home. The Eco Council are active in school and the local community, regularly litter picking and maintaining the Community Garden. They have introduced a range of recycling bins including paper, crisp packets, pens and batteries. No one dares to leave their classroom and not turn off the lights!  Each class chose their class charity linked to protecting the world and raised funds through completing chores, sacrificing their own time, at home.  This launch week has continued into our day to day practice as a lasting legacy of trying to make a difference.


Open Morning - Saturday 28th September 10.00am until 12 noon for families of children due to start school in September 2025