We are proud to work with Northwick Manor Primary School kitchens, who provide our daily meals. Their kitchens hold a 5 star hygiene rating from Worcestershire County Council. Their emphasis is on providing good quality home cooked food, and they pride themselves on using as many fresh ingredients as possible, which are sourced from a local butcher and farm shop. All food is prepared and cooked on their premises by a catering team.
How do I order hot school lunches?
Hot school lunches are ordered through ParentPay. You have the flexibility to book lunches weekly, monthly or half termly. ParentPay will remain open for your bookings or amendments with the deadline being the end of the day each and every Wednesday for the following week. For example, to order your child's meal for the week beginning 11th September, you will need to order by Wednesday 6th September at the latest. After the Wednesday deadline, the following week will not be available for any bookings or amendments.
A reminder that if your child is in EYFS, Year 1, Year 2 or in receipt of Free School Meals, you will still need to log on to ParentPay to order your child's lunches. You will not be charged.
Who do I contact if my child has food allergies/intolerances?
There will be an allergy choice for those children in school with an allergy. This option can be used only if a menu has been agreed with the Catering Manager. To discuss requirements or if you require further information regarding allergens in the prepared dishes, please contact the caterers on nwoffice@riverscofe.co.uk or ring 01905 454430.
Our caterers, Northwick Catering, will be trialling a packed lunch option to the new menu, which starts after Easter. This will be an extra option and will not replace the current three hot options.
Online booking is now open via ParentPay.
Free School Meals Eligibility and Application Process
Currently, under the Universal Free School Meals initiative, all school children in Key Stage 1 receive a free school meal (EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2). This is automatic and does not need to be applied for.
If you receive one or more of the following, your child may be eligible to continue receiving Free School Meals after Key Stage 1:
If your child is currently receiving free school meals, and the above criteria no longer apply, your child’s eligibility is protected, and they will continue to receive free school meals until the end of the Universal Credit Roll Out. The Government has currently scheduled no earlier than July 2023 for the protection period to end. This could be longer and will depend on your child’s current year group.
Parents who wish to make a free school meals application can do so using the current online application process, available from the link below:
Free School Meals Application Link
For parents without an email account or access to the internet, a paper application can be requested from the Free School Meals Team on 01905 845280. You will need to have your National Insurance number and personal details to hand.