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St. Peter's Droitwich C of E Academy

"Love, Learn, Live"


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Safeguarding and Well Being

Current Designated Safeguarding Leads are Mrs Tracey O'Keeffe-Pullan, Mrs Lucy Mills and Mrs Jane Watts.

St Peter's Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy


Emotional Health and Wellbeing – Services in Worcestershire


Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust have produced a leaflet with information to help direct families, children and young people to services available to support them during this time. Alongside all the services provided by the Trust the leaflet provides a helpful update on some changes that have happened to services recently. Support available includes: Starting Well Partnership, Breastfeeding Support, Health Visitors, School Health Nurses, Special School Nurses, Parenting and Community Providers, Speech and Language Therapy, Community Paediatrics, Orchard Service, Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy. 


In addition,the leaflet includes support available for Emotional Health and Wellbeing including: CAMHS, Kooth, Here2Help and Now We’re Talking for Healthy Minds Worcestershire. 


