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St. Peter's Droitwich C of E Academy

"Love, Learn, Live"


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Collective Worship Focus 2020-21

Daily Act of Worship

At St Peter's we join together daily as a community.  This currently takes place via TEAMS but we usually meet together in the hall.

Our Collective Worship is usually split into four sections;

- Welcome

- Learning

- Reflecting

- Responding


We will prepare the alter table and light either a single candle or three candles representing the Trinity signaling the start of worship.  


We will share the bible story linked to the Christian Value either through reading from the Lion Storytellers Bible, using a playscript, modern story, poem, artwork, artifacts or video.


This is where we have the opportunity to take time to consider how what we have heard, seen or felt has made us think.  This is sometimes a quite time of stillness and meditation giving the chance to pause in a very hectic day.  Short discussions take place or games such as scratch are played to make us all think a little harder rather than accepting the first thought that pops into our head. 


Questions or scenarios are posed where we think about our own lives and the decisions that we make on a daily basis.  Do we make wise decisions? 

St. Peter's School

St. Peter's is part of The Rivers Church of England Multi Academy Trust. The Trust is made up of Church schools and Community Schools. Our Vision of Love, Learn, Live is shared by all schools, with the wording adapted to reflect the ethos and distinctiveness of the schools.


At St. Peter's we welcome children and families who hold Christian beliefs, those who follow religions other than Christianity and those who do not follow any religion. We pride ourselves on being a fully inclusive school and community. 


As a church school, our worship is based around Christianity, however our worship is always invitational, meaning that children and adults are welcome to join prayers or take time for contemplation and reflection.


When we talk about the Christian belief of being loved as God's children, we also reference being loved by our parents/carers and significant people in our lives. When we talk about learning from the teachings of Jesus, we also reference learning from each other and the important people with whom we connect and share experiences.


For information regarding the right to withdraw from Collective Worship click here.



Summer 2 2021 - British Values

Week 1 - Christian Values and British Values

Read the story of the Parable of the Two Houses.

Through the things that Jesus said and  did he demonstrated all the Christian values that we talk about at St Peter's. 

What are British Values?  Why do we have both at St Peter's?

Week 2 - Democracy 

What is democracy?  What does it look like in Britain?  What does it look like at St Peter's?

Week 3 - Rule of Law

What if everyone did that? story. Discussion on why we have laws.

Focus on the justice system.  Is it ever right to break the law?

Read Rosa Parks story and discuss.

Week 4 - Individual Liberty

Pupil Voice week

Week 5 - Mutual Respect

The NHS has received the George Cross from the Queen demonstrating the nations respect for their act of bravery during the pandemic.  

Week 6 - Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs

What different faiths and beliefs are celebrated at St Peter's?

ISINGPOP Class Collective Worship

Week 1 - Individual Peace

Finding peace in our own lives.

The story of Jesus Calming the Storm.

Week 2 - Peacemakers

How can we be peacemakers in our own community?

The story of Abigail the Peacemaker

Week 3 - Peacebuilders

Explore the idea of 'Peace on Earth'.

The Story of the Good Samaritan.

Week 4 - What is Joy?

What does joy mean and what might it feel like?

The biblical life of Job.

Week 5 - Where can we find joy?

Finding joy in our own lives...making sure we don't take things for granted.

The Parable of the Lost Coin..

Week 6 - Holding on to joy

How can we try to  remain joyful and optimistic when we face difficult times?

The story of Paul and Silas in prison


Summer 1 2021 - Our 3 Golden Rules

Week 1 - We Care the Value of Compassion 

Golden Rule number 1 - What does caring look like at school, home and in our community? 

The Parable of the Good Samaritan 

Who are our neighbours?

Week 2 - We Care the Value of Compassion

Story of the Lost Sheep

Everyone matters, don't leave anyone out on their own.

Week 3 - We Share the Value of Generosity 

Golden Rule number 2 - sharing what is yours

'You shall love your neighbor as yourself. '

Week 4 - We Share the Value of Generosity

Sharing your time to care for creation

Week 5 - And Tell the Truth the Value of Truthfulness

Golden Rule number 3 - telling the whole story and living without lies

Zechariah 8:16-17

Week 6 - And Tell the Truth the Value of Truthfulness

Making the right choices and having the courage to be honest

Half Term Reflection 

ISINGPOP Class Collective Worship

Week 1 - What is hope?

We can be hopeful for the future by thinking about the good things that have happened in the past.

The story of Noah's Ark

Week 2 - What should we put our hope in?

Hope in the things that have a firm foundation such as, friendship, mutual respect and determination.

The Parable of the Two Houses

Week 3 - Coping with disappointment

How can we cope when we feel disappointed at not getting what we hoped for.

The story of Abraham and Sarah

Week 4 - What is thankfulness?

The benefits of having a thankful life

The story of Hannah and Samuel

Week 5 - What should we be thankful for?

A 'thankful heart' will make us healthier and happier!

The Miracle of the Feeding of the 5000

Week 6 - How can we show thankfulness?

Saying 'thank you' is more than just words!  

How do Christian's show their thanks to God?

The story of the Thankful Leper.


Spring 2 2021 - Lent and Salvation (Home Learning)

Week 1 - Lent 

What is Lent?

Why is Lent important to Christians? 

Introduction to our Lenten Small Acts of Kindness

Jesus Feeds the 5000

Week 2 - Spring Has Sprung! 

The importance of new beginnings

Wiping the slate clean 

Week 3 - Introduction to ISINGPOP (#faithathome Youtube Channel) 

Pupil Feedback

Week 4 - Holy Week

Palm Sunday (The Great Parade) - Value of Humility 

Jesus visits the Temple before the Passover 

     - Jesus Clear the Temple - Anger is an important feeling

     - The Story of the Widow's Coin 

Week 5 - Holy Week

The Passover Supper 

     - The Eucharist as a lasting memory 

     - Jesus washed the Disciples feet - Value of Service 

Week 6 - Holy Week and the Resurrection 

Jesus prays in the garden - Value of Peace

The Crucifixion 


Spring 1 20201 - Hope and Community (Home Learning)
Week 1 - TT and Jaz Activity Week

Week 2 - Musical Praise Week

What Christian Values are hidden in our favourite hymns? 

Week 3 - Who did Jesus give hope to? 

How did Jesus befriend Simon Peter?

The importance of the communities we are part of - how do we give each other hope? 

What is special about ME as part of St Peter's community?

Week 4 - Musical Praise Week

What Christian Values are hidden in our favourite hymns? 

Week 5 - Who did Jesus give hope to?

How did Jesus help Levi to change his ways? 

The Ministry of Paul

How does Jesus act through us? - Good to be Green and supporting others who may make foolish choices

Who else makes a difference? - Captain Tom Moore 

Week 6 - Musical Praise Week

What Christian Values are hidden in our favourite hymns? 


Autumn 2 2020 - Service and Incarnation

Week 1 - Value of Service

Using our talents to serve

Receiving as well as giving

Jugs and Jars  - The Widow's Gift

Week 2 - Value of Service

Armistice Day - What does the poppy represent?

People who served God - Jonah, Noah and Daniel

The Service of Front Line Workers

The Festival of Diwali 

Week 3 - Christian Values

Christian Value Bible Explorers 

Christian Value visual symbols 

Organisation of Community Christmas Packs

Week 4 - Incarnation

The Annunciation - Value of Dignity 

What other Christian Values did Mary show at the Annunciation?

Week 5 - Incarnation

Advent Candle One - Value of Love (The Patriarchs)

Mary visits Elizabeth - Value of Joy

The long journey to Bethlehem - Value of Peace

Week 6 - Incarnation

Advent Candle Two - Value of Peace

Jesus is born!

The Shepherds visit - Value of Community 

Week 7 - Incarnation

Advent Candle Three - Value of Hope

Visit from the Magi - Value of Wisdom

Advent Candle Four - Value of Joy



Autumn 1 2020 - Respect

Week 1 - Welcome Back!

School's Vision and Values - Share the Parable of the Two Houses and Discuss our Three Golden Rules.

Reflection on our Behaviour / Antibullying Policies 

MAT Vision and Values - Share the Story of Jesus and the Children

Week 2 - It's Good to Feel Safe 

Fire Drill Discussion 

Emergency Bell Discussion

What to do if you do not feel safe at school, home or when you are out and about

Week 3 - Respecting Differences

Jesus Heals the Roman Solider 

Creation Stories form Around the World - We may have different beliefs but we have a shared responsibility 

Week 4 - Respect for Creation 

The 3 R's 

Christian Creation Story

How do we look at our beautiful world at St Peter's?

Share One Plastic Bag story 

Dare to be Different Stories (Boyan Slat / Ryan Hreliac)

Week 5 - Respect for Others 

The Parable of the Good Samaritan 

How to be a good neighbour

Worcester News Article - Kyan who tried to make a difference

Being an neighbour across the other side of the world #showlove

Week 6 - Respect for Others

Story of Zacchaeus 

How to support people to make wise choices

Respect for people within society 

Write class Respect prayer 

Week 7 - Respect for Special Places 

Story of when Jesus Cleared the Temple 

Do you have a special safe place?

Half term reflection 


Harvest Week

We joined together in our year groups to celebrate the harvest.  We shared the story of the Parable of the Sower thinking about how we make decisions in our own life and who may influence us in a good way.  Our Reception children also had their scarecrow wedding as part of the festivities.

St Peter's school community collected boxes and boxes of food that were donated to Maggs Homeless Shelter and Droitwich Spa Food Bank.  The gifts were greatly received. 

The Parable of the Farmer and the Seeds (Parable of the Sower)

Based on Luke 8: 4-15, Matthew 13: 1-9, 18-23, and Mark 4: 1-20.

Reminder - Applications for children starting School or going to Middle School in September 2025 need to be submitted by 15th January 2025.