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St. Peter's Droitwich C of E Academy

"Love, Learn, Live"


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Collective Worship Focus 2022-23

Daily Act of Worship

At St Peter's we join together daily as a community either as a whole school, Key Stage or as a class.

Our Collective Worship is usually split into four sections;

- Welcome

- Learning

- Reflecting

- Responding


We will prepare the alter table and light either a single candle or three candles representing the Trinity signaling the start of worship.  


We will share the bible story linked to the Christian Value either through reading from the Lion Storytellers Bible, using a playscript, modern story, poem, artwork, artifacts or video.


This is where we have the opportunity to take time to consider how what we have heard, seen or felt has made us think.  This is sometimes a quite time of stillness and meditation giving the chance to pause in a very hectic day.  Short discussions take place or games such as scratch are played to make us all think a little harder rather than accepting the first thought that pops into our head. 


Questions or scenarios are posed where we think about our own lives and the decisions that we make on a daily basis.  Do we make wise decisions? 



St. Peter's School

St. Peter's is part of The Rivers Church of England Multi Academy Trust. The Trust is made up of Church schools and Community Schools. Our Vision of Love, Learn, Live is shared by all schools, with the wording adapted to reflect the ethos and distinctiveness of the schools.


At St. Peter's we welcome children and families who hold Christian beliefs, those who follow religions other than Christianity and those who do not follow any religion. We pride ourselves on being a fully inclusive school and community. 


As a church school, our worship is based around Christianity, however our worship is always invitational, meaning that children and adults are welcome to join prayers or take time for contemplation and reflection.


When we talk about the Christian belief of being loved as God's children, we also reference being loved by our parents/carers and significant people in our lives. When we talk about learning from the teachings of Jesus, we also reference learning from each other and the important people with whom we connect and share experiences.


For information regarding the right to withdraw from Collective Worship please access the Collective Worship Policy

Collective Worship Organisation  
Monday - Introduction of the theme and focused Christian values
Tuesday - Musical Praise
Wednesday - Development of the theme as whole school
Thursday - Classroom Worship with iSingPOP or sharing 'What's going on in the world?'
Friday - Celebration OR Class Led Worship


The Anglican Church Year

Anglican churches follow a liturgical calendar. This is a pattern for their worship (liturgy) through the year.  We mirror the celebrations and colours at school in our Collective Worship.  Ask your child if the colour of the alter cloth has changed recently. 


The colour GREEN is used the most often through the liturgical year.  Although no big celebrations are happening at this 'ordinary time' it is important that there is a time for growth.  It is at these times that we reflect on our own lives...are we making wise choices? 

The Biblical Timeline and God's Rescue Plan

At St. Peter's we use the biblical timeline to support our children to understand the chronological order of the stories they learn and explore.  This is referenced in their RE lessons and also during Collective Worship so that the link between the two is explicit.  God's Rescue Plan is also discussed at every opportunity and RE lessons and Collective Worship so that children are confident to talk about the bigger picture of the Christian religion rather seeing the stories and happenings in the Bible as isolated events.  

Autumn 2 2022 - Service and Incarnation

Week 1 - How do we serve each other at St Peter's?

Story of The Widow's Gift 

Bonfire Night Festival 

Week 2 - Value of Service and Remembrance 

Gift of Service -  Story of Moses. God made Moses responsible for the Israelites. He became the leader and made sure that he was always there for the people during their journey to Canaan. He taught the people to make the right choices and to obey God. He set as an example for the people so that they can trust God during the stormy times.  

Remembrance Day - What does the poppy represent?  What do the different colour poppies represent?

How does each poppy sold make a difference?  How can we serve others to make a difference? 

Armistice Day - observe 2 minute silence.

Week 3 - Introduce Incarnation 

The Coming of Jesus is Foretold. Talk about the rescue plan. The coming of Jesus was already mentioned by prophets in the old testament.

Zechariah and Elizabeth 


Week 4 

The Angel Announces Good News to Mary 

The Long Journey to Bethlehem

Preparation of the class Advent calendar. 

Week 5 

Start of Advent - What is Advent? 

Jesus is Born - What does the rescue plan mean to Christians around the world?

Week 6 

EYFS Nativity 

Shepherds Receive Good News 


Week 7 

Three Wise Men Gifts 

Hannukah Festival 

Whole School Church Service 

Autumn 1 2022 - The Creation and Prayer

Week 1 - Welcome Back, School Vision, Golden Rules and The Parable of the Two Houses

Recap on our School Vision and recap on our Golden Rules and how they help us to live out the School Vision. We care, we share and we tell the truth. Explore the Christian Values that underpin our Golden Rules. Compassion, generosity and truthfulness. Share the values of hope and forgiveness and explain how these support our Golden Rules. Explore how we aim for all children at our school to grow, flourish and be the best they can be now and in the future. 

Share and recap the parable that supports our Biblical underpinning. The parable of the two houses. Do as I say and you will be like the wise man, solid as any rock on which you can build your life. We learn there are stormy and sunny times in life and that life is full of making choices.

Week 2 - Spirituality, and St Peter

Discuss Christian Spirituality at St Peter's. It is the development of a sense of self, soul, personality and character and we explore this through WOWS, OWS and NOWS. The moments of wonder, the blows life can bring and the every day ordinary times. Remind children of the NOWS area available to them all.

We strive to be like St Peter who our school is named after. He was loved by Jesus and he learned from Jesus so that he could live his life being the best he could be. Share the new stained glass window completed at the end of last term and remind the children of the characteristics of St Peters linking back to the award winners from last year.

Week 3 Worship, Prayer and Nod to God

Christians show that God is important to them when they gather together to pray in a Church. Worship is about people showing how much God is worth to them but do you always have to pray in a church? Why do people pray? How do people pray? Introduce the Lords Prayer and Nod to God. Explore how other faiths worship and pray.

The promise Jesus gave to the people. Luke 11:9-10So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

Week 4 - Biblical timeline and Creation

Recap on the Biblical timeline. Who do Christians say created the world? What do Christian's believe God was like and make reference to 'Hollowed be thy name'. 


Week 5 - Harvest Festival

The parable of the Sower and  Haiku poem from Japan

Week 6 - World Mental Health Day

Having the courage to care.

Week 7 - Creation and making a difference

The story of Creation opens the Bible. It sets the relationship between God, the universe and all life.

Link to sustainability goals and how we need to look after our world. Discuss how we can make a difference and link back to our whole school display. The best thing about the world is?  Explore WOW moments. 


Reminder - Applications for children starting School or going to Middle School in September 2025 need to be submitted by 15th January 2025.