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St. Peter's Droitwich C of E Academy

"Love, Learn, Live"


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Collective Worship Focus 2021-22

Daily Act of Worship

At St Peter's we join together daily as a community.  This year we have met either in the hall or virtually via TEAMS.

Our Collective Worship is usually split into four sections;

- Welcome

- Learning

- Reflecting

- Responding


We will prepare the alter table and light either a single candle or three candles representing the Trinity signaling the start of worship.  


We will share the bible story linked to the Christian Value either through reading from the Lion Storytellers Bible, using a playscript, modern story, poem, artwork, artifacts or video.


This is where we have the opportunity to take time to consider how what we have heard, seen or felt has made us think.  This is sometimes a quite time of stillness and meditation giving the chance to pause in a very hectic day.  Short discussions take place or games such as scratch are played to make us all think a little harder rather than accepting the first thought that pops into our head. 


Questions or scenarios are posed where we think about our own lives and the decisions that we make on a daily basis.  Do we make wise decisions? 

St. Peter's School

St. Peter's is part of The Rivers Church of England Multi Academy Trust. The Trust is made up of Church schools and Community Schools. Our Vision of Love, Learn, Live is shared by all schools, with the wording adapted to reflect the ethos and distinctiveness of the schools.


At St. Peter's we welcome children and families who hold Christian beliefs, those who follow religions other than Christianity and those who do not follow any religion. We pride ourselves on being a fully inclusive school and community. 


As a church school, our worship is based around Christianity, however our worship is always invitational, meaning that children and adults are welcome to join prayers or take time for contemplation and reflection.


When we talk about the Christian belief of being loved as God's children, we also reference being loved by our parents/carers and significant people in our lives. When we talk about learning from the teachings of Jesus, we also reference learning from each other and the important people with whom we connect and share experiences.


For information regarding the right to withdraw from Collective Worship please access the Collective Worship Policy


Collective Worship Organisation  
Monday - Introduction of the Theme
Tuesday - Musical Praise
Wednesday - Development of the theme as whole school or class groups
Thursday - Classroom Worship iSingPOP Value 
Friday - Celebration OR Class Led Worship


Anglican churches follow a liturgical calendar.  This is a pattern for their worship (liturgy) through the year.  We mirror the celebrations and colours at school in our Collective Worship.  Ask your child if the colour of the alter cloth has changed recently. 


The colour GREEN is used the most often through the liturgical year.  Although no big celebrations are happening at this 'ordinary time' it is important that there is a time for growth.  It is at these times that we reflect on our own lives...are we making wise choices? 

The Biblical Timeline and God's Rescue Plan

At St. Peter's we use the biblical timeline to support our children to understand the chronological order of the stories they learn and explore.  This is referenced in their RE lessons and also during Collective Worship so that the link between the two is explicit.  God's Rescue Plan is also discussed at every opportunity and RE lessons and Collective Worship so that children are confident to talk about the bigger picture of the Christian religion rather seeing the stories and happenings in the Bible as isolated events.  

Summer 2 2022 - Making a Difference

Week 1 

The Faith of the Centurion (Luke 7) -  Jesus and The Centurian were very different people.  They believed in different things / they valued different things but they shared mutual respect.

Rosa Parks was an Activist. At the time when Rosa was a young person, black people were treated differently to white people. Rosa felt strongly that differences in people should be respected and that all people should be treated with respect and fairly.  Jesus recognised the respect that the Centurian had for both him and for his servant. He knew people were different but that differences should be respected just as Rosa Parks.

Week 2 

Feast of Pentecost (Acts 2) considered as the Church’s birthday. 

Sir Captain Moore was a British Army officer and fundraiser who made international headlines in 2020 when he raised money for charity in the run-up to his 100th birthday during the COVID-19 pandemic. He served in India and the Burma campaign during the Second World War, and later became an instructor in armoured warfare.

Week 3 

The Role of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2 42-47) – what did the disciples do next? Christianity believes that the Holy Spirit is God in another form. We cannot see it but we know it is there. 

Manal AL-Sharif lives in Saudia Arabia, a country where religious rules forbid women from driving. She couldn’t understand why women weren’t allowed to drive? If men were then why shouldn’t women? She fought hard and had hope throughout that she could make the authorities see that this wasn’t fair.

Week 4

Peter heels a beggar. Peter reminds the people that it is God’s power that has heeled the sick and he encourages people to repent from their sins and to turn to God.

St Peter's Church Service to celebrate St Peter's Day. 

Week 5

Saul’s Conversion (Acts 9) - Paul’s Conversion and Ministry. Saul changed his name to Paul because he wanted to start a new beginning. Paul did not like people who believed in God and hurt those who did but Paul had an encounter with God that made him want to change. 

Ian Wright was someone who completely changed.  He was on the wrong path and then turned over a new leaf (like Paul).

Week 6

Jesus heals a man with leprosy (Luke 17). In Jesus’ time, if a person had leprosy, they were banned from town. They had to live on their own because other people didn’t want to get the disease. The leper had hope that Jesus will heal him. 

Louis Braille became blind in both eyes after an accident. He believed he did not need pity but believed he needed to be treated equally.  He developed braille as he was determined to find a way blind people could love and enjoy books and reading. He had hope that he would find a solution.

Week 7

The poorly woman in Matthew 9. She has been sick for 12 years and her body is starting to slow down. She heard about Jesus healing the sick and how he performs miracles after miracles. No matter how poorly she was feeling, her sickness didn’t stop her from reaching to Jesus. She had hope in her that Jesus will cure her.

Stephen Hawking has a special mind and asks a lot of big questions. Stephen was diagnosed with a disease which meant that his body was slowly starting to shut down. This did not stop Stephen from going on to be one of the most important physicists. 


Summer 1 2022 - Making a Difference

Week 1 

Parable of the Two Houses - during this week we will refresh and revisit our school Golden Rules and school vision. 

God's Kingdom - We will look at the next part of the biblical timeline and explore what God's kingdom look like and how people live when they let God reign over their lives. 

Week 2

Jesus calls his first disciples - Jesus had an important job to do which is to teach people to care, share and tell the truth but Jesus knew that he could not make a difference on his own. He needed friends which he called his disciples/followers to help him spread the good news. 

Wangari Maathi - Activist (Goodnight stories for Rebel Girls). Wangari needed help from her friends. They started the Green Belt Movement which is an environmental organisation that empowers communities, particularly women, to conserve the environment and improve livelihoods. 

How to be a Good Neighbour - who is our neighbour and how do we treat our neighbours? 

Week 3

Mental Health Awareness Week 

Jesus eats with Levi and the sinners - Good people were angry that Jesus spent so much time with sinners and not with them. They felt like they should be rewarded with Jesus' time. Jesus said that it was the people who made foolish choices who needed him more. How is this part of the rescue plan? 

Gino D'Acampo - Chef. Gino went to prison for robbery before becoming the renowned chef he is today. Gino talks about his terrible past and expressed his regret over his actions. He learnt from his foolish mistakes and promised to make good come out of everything. 

Week 4

At the home of Martha and Mary - We will be looking at the characteristics of Mary and Martha. Mary was willing to listen to everything Jesus said. She stopped what she was doing to take on the good news and reflect on how she can change her life for the better. On the other hand, Martha was so busy trying to make everything right that she missed hearing the Lord's words. 

Emma Watson - Activist/Actor. Emma was willing to look around her even when life gets too busy. She reflected and made a change as a feminist fighting for gender equality and tackling sustainability. 

How can we be mindful of the things around us? Are we stopping, thinking and reflecting? How can the Ow's, Now's and Wow's moments change us to be a better person?

Week 5

The Feast of Ascension - This can also be called Ascension Day. It commemorates the Christian belief of the bodily Ascension of Jesus in to heaven. 

End of Half Term Church Service.



The story of Jesus' death and resurrection is found in all four Gospels.  Not one gives a chronological order of the whole event but the study of all four gives an account of what happened over the eight days.  EYFS learning focuses on Matthew's Gospel, KS1 focuses mainly on Luke's Gospel and KS2 children explore passages from Matthew, Luke and John.  during Collective Worship key messages of Christian belief are explored to support the teaching and learning in RE lessons. 

Spring 2 2022 - Lent and Salvation

Week 1 

Lent - Lent is a time of preparation in readiness for the events of the Easter Story (the Salvation).  We will discuss why Christians make sacrifices during this time and use Jesus as an example of the importance of prayer to prepare your mind and soul.  Our JAM group will introduce our 40 Acts of Kindness that we use as a community as a point of focus for the time of Lent.  

Ash Wednesday -  Church Service.

Week 2 

OW , WOW and NOW moments - during the following weeks we will track the events of Holy Week.  We will identify Jesus' OW, WOW and NOW moments during the eight days of celebration of the Feast of Passover.  This time was the climax of 'God's Rescue Plan' where Jesus would set the example of how FORGIVENESS and HOPE are important to build meaningful relationships between God, our family and friends, strangers (our neighbours) and the beautiful world. 

Jesus' entry into Jerusalem - Jesus is welcomed into Jerusalem with joy, excitement and anticipation.  People recognise him as the 'king' he is.  However, he enters not on a great white stallion but on a humble donkey demonstrating to people how alike he was to them.  He knew that his mission was 'to save' the relationship between God and his bridge the gap. 

Using the palms from Palm Sunday, crosses are made that symbolise bridging the gap between God and his people. 

What do you do when a relationship breaks down?  How do you bridge the gap? 

Between Jesus entering Jerusalem and the Last Supper he spent time at the Temple preaching about his parables.

Week 3 

The Last Supper - The disciples were gathered to celebrate the Feast of Passover Jesus took two of the traditional foods - unleavened bread and wine - and uses them in his meal. Have you shared a meal with friends?  How do you feel when you are with them? Do you think that Jesus felt the same?

The Eucharist - The Last Supper was the first Eucharist.  The words and actions of Jesus shared during this meal are now used in Communion or Eucharist ceremonies in churches around the world.  Explore what these services look like.  Have you ever attended a Communion Service?  Why is it important to Christians that the words used in the blessing of the bread and wine are repeated today? Does this have anything to do with the Rescue Plan? 

Week 4 

Jesus washes the disciples feet - When Jesus and his disciples celebrate the Feast of Passover he washes their feet.  In the modern day this may seem strange but in the time of Jesus the roads were very dusty and men and women wore open their feet got very dirty.  However a servant would usually perform this task for their master.  Through this act Jesus demonstrated the importance of selfless service and that he was everyone's servant...the Servant King. How do we serve others?  How do we make sure we treat people as we would expect to be treated ourselves?  

Betrayal and Denial - During the meal Jesus told his disciples that one for the would betray him and hand him over to the High Priests.  He also told Peter that he would deny knowing him.  Friendships can be tested especially during challenging times.  How do you think Jesus felt when he knew two of his closet friends would disown him? Have you ever experienced betrayal in your friendships?  Does your story end in forgiveness like Jesus'?

Week 5

Jesus is Arrested - After the meal Jesus went to pray in the garden of Gethsemane.  He prayed to God because he was scared about what he knew was going to happen. When do Christians use prayer?  Where do Christians use prayer? What prayers do you know that may help when experiencing OW, WOW and NOW moments in your life? 

Crucifixion - During the arrest, trial and crucifixion Jesus was hurt but he refused to retaliate - he sacrificed himself willingly. He again used prayer but this time not for himself but for all the people around him including the people who were hurting him! His pain had a purpose.  His motif was love for all humankind, his desire to wash away all sin (that began in the Fall) and to teach people that FORGIVENESS and HOPE would rebuild the bridge between them and God, which was expressed through this selfless sacrifice. Peaceful reflection time. 

Week 6

The empty tomb - The women find the tomb empty and are upset.  What is the meaning of the empty tomb?  Christian's believe that Jesus rising from the dead shows them that after they die, they can also have a new life, a life with God in heaven. What representations do we have in spring time that is a sign of new beginnings? 

The risen Jesus meets Mary Magdalene and the disciples - When Mary met Jesus after the resurrection her tears turned to joy and despair into hope. Jesus gave all Christians HOPE through his death and resurrection helping them understand that everyone has a chance to change.  His mission was to help people to understand the importance of our Golden Rules of to care, to share and to tell the truth...and when things went wrong (because God knew that sin would not totally disappear) that people would learn to forgive.

Class reflection

Easter Church Service

iSingPOP Class Collective Worship - 

Week 1 - Jesus' Prophecy 

This episode will start a 6-week series on the “Life of Jesus”. Each session will explore a milestone in Jesus’ life as we build up a chronology of His time on earth with the help of our history teacher – Professor Elon Timeago! We would encourage you to consider building your own class timeline of Jesus’ life using the provided images. This can be built upon during every session as we explore a different milestone.

This first session will cover Old Testament prophecy foretelling the birth of Jesus and the Christmas story. We will think about what the prophecies told people about who Jesus would grow up to be. We will then link this to our own unique potentials and encourage the children to think about what they aspire to achieve as they grow up.

Week 2 - Jesus' Childhood

Our second episode on the Life of Jesus will focus on Jesus’ childhood. We will think about what made Jesus’ childhood ‘ordinary’, and about what made it ‘extraordinary’. We will look in particular detail at the story of Jesus getting lost in the Temple at the age of 12. We will use this story to think about where we can all find guidance in life when we feel a little lost and consider how God can often be the ultimate guide to Christians.

Week 3 - Jesus' Baptism 

We will focus on the words that God speaks to Jesus at His baptism - “This is my Son and I love him. I am very pleased with him.” We will talk about how Christians believe God gave Jesus to the world because of His love for humans and consider how special it is to love and be loved. We will talk to the children about how they are all special, unique and a masterpiece.

Week 4 - Jesus' Ministry 

In our next session on Jesus’ life, we move on to exploring Jesus’ adulthood and ministry with the children. We will consider the meaning of the word ‘ministry’ and touch on just a few key highlights of this special time. We will talk about how Jesus’ words and actions changed the course of history and encourage the children to think about just how powerful their words can be and how we need to make sure we chose our words wisely. Using the Bible verse; “When you talk, do not say harmful things. But say what people need—words that will help others become stronger. Then what you say will help those who listen to you”, we hope to inspire the children to use their words for the good of those around them.

Week 5 - Jesus' Death

As we approach the Easter holidays, our sessions will begin to explore the end of Jesus’ life as it happens in the Easter story. This penultimate session will focus on the events of Holy Week and culminate in the crucifixion of Jesus. We will study Palm Sunday, the Last Supper and the Arrest, Death and Burial of Jesus. We will talk to the children about how important Jesus’ sacrifice is to Christians all over the world and discuss why God chose to let Jesus die on the cross. We will then encourage the children to think about how they can make some small sacrifices to have a big positive impact on the people around them using the Bible verse; “Do not forget to do good to others. And share with them what you have. These are the sacrifices that please God.”  

Week 6 - The Resurrection of Jesus

This is our final episode of the term and the concluding session on the Life of Jesus. This session will pick up from where the last left off – with Jesus’ body being place inside the tomb. We will show the story of Jesus’ resurrection and explain the significance of this event for Christians. We will explain why the festival of Easter is the most celebrated day in the Christian calendar.


Spring 1 2022 - The Parables and Miracles of Jesus

Week 1  - Epiphany   

In countries across Europe the Feast of the Epiphany is as important as Christmas Day.  Children give and receive presents and fill their shoes with gifts for the Magi and hope that gifts will be left in thanks. 

It is important to have an understanding of different cultures and the festivals they celebrate. 

Week 2 - Year group Quiz Time

Questions build up to a discussion about God's Rescue Plan.  We try and answer the question....Did Jesus make a difference?  Did the Rescue Plan work? How can we make a difference? 

Week 3 - Jesus is Baptised and Jesus' first Parable 

What's in a name?  We talk about why Jesus chose to be baptised although he was without sin. Christians around the world are baptised to follow Jesus.  It is a way to wash away sin and an agreement with God  that you are going to try your best to make wise choices.

How do we make a fresh start if we have been making too many foolish choices? 

All thing lost - The Parable of the Lost Sheep

The message that we should not turn our back on anyone.

How do we show that we are a good shepherd?  What should we do if someone in our class moves to red on the zone board? 

Week 4 - Jesus' first Miracle and an act of Generosity

The wedding at Cana - Why do you think the disciples belived in Jesus after what happened at the wedding?  Discussion that just like the wedding guests we sometimes do not realise that God is helping us - have you had a WOW moment recently? Did you show your thanks?

The Widow's Coin - Who is the most generous? How do we show acts of generosity? 

Week 5 - Forgiveness and Compassion

Jesus Heals the Paralysed Man - A man is healed on the outside and the inside because he had faith in Jesus.  Do we show forgiveness in our daily lives? 

The Parable of the Good Samaritan - Who is your neighbour?   This story teaches us how everybody should be treated with compassion, dignity and respect. 

Week 6 -  A Nod to God and Trust

A Nod to God - A new prayer that takes seconds to do.  We introduce a 'Nod to God' to acknowledge WOW, OW and NOW moments.

The Calming of the Storm - The disciples put their trust in Jesus when they felt very scared.  God can not make all bad things go away but he is always their to give strength. 

Week 7 - Thankfulness 

Jesus Heals 10 Men of Leprosy - Do you say thank you?  Do you say thank you and really mean it?  How do you feel if someone says thank you to you?  Only one man returned to say thank you to Jesus.  What do you think about that? 

The Parable of the Talents - a little bit of love can spread far and wide.  Don't hide it away otherwise it will never have a chance to grow. 

Half Term Reflection 

Friday Church CW - Love, Learn, Live and the Parable of the Two Houses

iSingPOP Class Collective Worship - Perseverance 

Week 1 - What is Perseverance?

We will think about the dictionary definition of perseverance, and tell the Bible story of the Persistent Widow to explain that perseverance requires courage and determination, and that goals can be achieved when we keep going and don’t give up. We will focus on the Bible verse; “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season, we will reap if we do not give up,” and encourage discussion around the values of courage, determination and what can be achieved when we keep going in life.

Week 2 - My Perseverance Tool box

The aim of our second session on Perseverance is to highlight some important tools that we can use to help us to persevere. These tools for life include; setting goals and practicing, asking for help, not being afraid to fail and the importance of prayer to Christians.

We will consider these ‘tools’ as we look at the Bible story of Paul being shipwrecked and will discuss how Paul managed to persevere in the face of challenges. Our Bible verse for this session is; “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me”.  We will focus on finding strength in times of trouble and talk about how Christians believe their faith in God can help them persevere in life.

Week 3 - Life is Like a Long Race

During this session, we will use the ‘Parable of the Sower’ to encourage thought and discussion around the theme of life being like a journey, with the seeds in the parable representing different journeys in life. 

We will explain that, even though there might be obstacles in our way, Jesus encourages Christians to stay focused on their goals and not give up.  Our key Bible verse for this story is; “Let us run with perseverance, the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus”. We will discuss what being in a race feels like, and the satisfaction of how it feels to cross the finish line. We will encourage the children to work hard to achieve their aims. 

Week 4 - The Perseverance of Noah

In this episode, we will discuss Noah’s story and think about how he showed perseverance in the face of the seemingly overwhelming task of constructing the ark. 

We will look back at our Bible verse from week 1, and link Noah’s story of building the ark to supporting values and themes such as faith, courage and trust.  We will also highlight the value of hope in this episode, as we discuss Noah’s trust and hope in God to achieve a huge task that could easily have felt overwhelming.

Week 5 - The Perseverance of Joseph

In this session, we will continue our study of key Bible figures as we look at the story of Joseph and his amazing coat.  We will consider the ups and downs of Joseph’s life and the perseverance he showed as he kept going and didn’t give up.

Our key Bible verse this week says, “We also have joy with our troubles because we know that these troubles produce patience, and patience produces character, and character produces hope”.  We will talk again about the key values that link to perseverance such as hope and trust, and emphasise what can be produced in our character when we persevere.

Week 6 - The Perseverance of Jeremiah 

We will conclude our series on perseverance by exploring the life of Jeremiah and thinking deeper about the importance of showing perseverance in the face of adversity.  The dictionary definition of adversity is explained, and the Bible verse; “Be happy in your hope, stand your ground when you’re in trouble” is considered.

Discussion can be encouraged around standing firm and being committed to our beliefs and goals. We will explain that Christians believe that even when they face difficulties, they can have hope and trust in God.


Autumn 2 2021 - Service and Incarnation

Week 1 - How do we serve each other at St Peter's?

Story of Jesus and the Children

Explore the British Value - Individual Liberty

Roles and Responsibilities of the House Captains and Vice Captains, School Council, Eco Council, JAM Group and Play Leaders/Lunchtime Helpers. 

Week 2 - Value of Service and Remembrance 

God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them. Hebrews 10:6

What does the poppy represent?  What do the different colour poppies represent?

How does each poppy sold make a difference?  How can we serve others to make a difference? 

Armistice Day - observe 2 minute silence.

Week 3 - Spirituality at St. Peter's

The Bible talks about how God creates everyone in His own image.  'We are the clay, and you are the potter; we are all the work of Your hands’ Isaiah 64:8.

Introduction of the shared language of NOWS, OWS and WOWS.

Year 3 JAM Group Collective Worship

Feast of Christ the King

Week 4 - The Gift Of Christmas (Gift of Trust)

God trusted Mary to do a very important job.  How can we be trusted like Mary?

Preparation of the class Advent calendar. 

Week 5 - The Gift of Christmas (Gift of the Good News)

Everyone is welcome to the manger.  The shepherds were the least valued and important group of people at that time....yet they were the first to be told about Jesus' birth. How can we learn from this and accept everyone into our lives like Jesus did?

Week 6 - The Gift of Christmas (Gifts of the Wise Men)

The Wise Men put their trust in a prophecy and a star. They trusted God to guide them. 

How are we guided? It is sometimes very difficult to make a wise choice especially when our friends do something different.  How do we put out trust in God to do the right thing?

Week 7 - The Gift of Christmas (The Ultimate Gift)

What does the rescue plan mean to Christians around the world?

iSingPOP Class Collective Worship - 

Week 1 - What is Patience?

Bible story of the 'Fruits of the Spirit' to highlight patience as being a good fruit, alongside others, to have in our lives.

Week 2 - Learning to be Patient

Explore aspects of love and patience through the Bible verse 'Love is patient, Love is kind'.

Week 3 - How Can I Show Patience?

Bible story of Martha and Mary to highlight how we can show patience through our actions and words, and to demonstrate just how important this is.

Week 4 - Why Should I be Patient?

Bible story based around the Walls of Jericho.  Focus on how being a patient person can both help us and be good for us. Being patient can create a calm attitude that can help us with our friendships and help us to achieve our goals.

Week 5 - The Gifts of Christmas

What gifts did the shepherds being to Jesus.  We give what we have and the cost of the gift isn't important, but the meaning behind the gift.  Make links to Jesus being call The Good Shepherd. 

Week 6 - The Gifts of Christmas

The gifts of the Three Wise Men and the significance of each gift told about the person Jesus would be, and about his life ahead.

Week 7 - The Gifts of Christmas

Christians believe that Jesus was the greatest gift of all - Old Testament prophesies.

Discussion based around Christian beliefs that the birth of Jesus was the start of God's rescue plan for the world.

Class reflection.


Autumn 1 2021 - Love Learn Live

Week 1 - Welcome Back 

How to stay safe - focussing on the behaviour/anti-bullying policies and emergency drills.

Remember it is GOOD to be on GREEN!

Week 2 - What are the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Introduction to the UN Goals that drive St. Peter's curriculum.

Prayer - Why do we pray?


What does our vision mean to us at St. Peter's?  

We are loved by Jesus and our family and friends

We learn from stories from the bible and from each other to Care, Share and Tell the Truth

So we can live our lives to the full and be the best that we can be.

Parable of the Two Houses - JAM Group Worship

Week 4 - Rivers Stars linked to our Christian Values

How do we use the Rivers Stars at St. Peters? 

Do we try and act on the STARS every day? 

Week 5 - How does our vision of Love, Learn, Live support us in our attitude towards our school work and homework?

Story of Jesus and the children - who flourish in the eyes of God.

At St. Peter's we aim to be independent, focused, a creative thinker and to always try our best.

Harvest preparations

How does our vision of Love, Learn, Live support community work and organisations like the Droitwich Food Bank?

Week 6 - World Mental Health Week

How do we keep our minds healthy? 5 ways of wellbeing focus


Week 7 - Whole school and class Collective Worship Evaluation 


iSingPOP Class Collective Worship - Friendship

Week 1 - What is Friendship

Friend's can support each other, work together and help each other out.

Friend's can be similar or very different to you.

Week 2 - How can we be a good friend?

Story of Ruth and Naomi

Do for other people what you want them to do for you.

Week 3 - Who should we be friends with?

Valuing people as they are, not having to change ourselves to fit in - diversity in our friendship groups.

Story of Jesus and His Disciples.

Week 4 - Why is friendship important?

What are the benefits that friendship can bring us?

Story of Paul and Timothy.

How do friendships make us happier, healthier, stronger and can even help us to achieve our goals.

Week 5 - Friends of Jesus / Extraordinary Friends

Jesus and Zacchaeus

How to be kind, loving and forgiving to others.

Who is your neighbour?

Week 6 - Friends of Jesus / Going above and Beyond 

The story of Lazarus.

It isn't about a big gesture in a single moment, but about making a lasting commitment to be there for someone, especially when they really need us.

Week 7 - Friends of Jesus / Nobody's perfect

Jesus' relationship with Judas Iscariot.

How should we react when we feel cross or disappointed with someone. 



Open Morning - Saturday 28th September 10.00am until 12 noon for families of children due to start school in September 2025