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St. Peter's Droitwich C of E Academy

"Love, Learn, Live"


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Pupil Voice

Pupil Voice - Safeguarding Monitoring Visit

Pupil Voice Focus

Safeguarding and wellbeing

Feeling safe in school

Adults to talk to


Pupils' Responses 

The pupils spoke confidently about what is expected of them – this was all around how they treat each other. The explained the 3 golden rules: We care, we share, we tell the truth. The talked about being respectful to everyone, being kind and caring and making good choices. One child said it was about living your lives the way you should.


The children felt safe in school – they could talk to their teachers or carers in school. ‘Teachers always listen’

There were many examples of where they felt valued and listened to, the Jam group – where they could share ideas including for collective worship. There were also roles within the school council, eco council, sports council etc. They felt you would always get your chance to be involved.


They children said that sometimes children fall out – they explained that it was ok to fall out and after you forgive.

When asked about behaviour – the children thought that the behaviour gets better as pupils get older. This could be as they are looked up to as role models. On a tour of the school behaviour was good with the younger children demonstrating good learning behaviours and moving around the school sensibly.


They all enjoy school ‘a lot!’ They like learning new things, getting to know new people and seeing their friends. They like having responsibilities. One pupil commented that the teachers are the best part.

The children feel that they are treated fairly – everyone getting a chance to do something/have opportunities.


The children explained the fire drill procedure and the emergency drill.


Suggestions on what the pupils would change were:

Behaviour in Reception (because they are quite noisy in the lunch hall)

Learning a variety of different languages

Would like to stay in school longer – not leaving at the end of Year 4.


What do you understand about Salvation and God's rescue plan? 


  • The last supper was an important event. Jesus spent his last meal with his friends and gave the new commandment ‘love one another as I have loved you.’ Jesus knew that he was going to be betrayed, denied and die but he trusted God.
  • God’s rescue plan was to get rid of sin because Adam and Eve let sin into the world.
  • God did not like how people were treating each other and had lost trust in them so he needed a plan.
  • Jesus had to die on the cross to save mankind and rebuild the bridge to God.



  • Jesus came down to show us how to live a good life, teach everyone to be kind and spread the good news.
  • Jesus had to make a sacrifice for peace in the world.
  • He helped people make better choices and make the world a better place.



  • Jesus died on the cross, came back alive and that was the plan.
  • To show people how to treat each other and look after the world.



What were Jesus' Ow, Now and Wow moments during the Holy Week? 

OW moments

  • When Jesus found out that Judas, his close friend and follower betrayed him. Year 1
  • Jesus being crucified. Year 3
  • People chose to release Barnabas rather than Jesus. Barnabas made terrible choices and was a nasty man but Jesus performed miracles, told parables and shared stories. Year 4
  • When Jesus spent time to pray in the garden asking God to change his fate. Year 2
  • Jesus going on the cross. EYFS


Now moments

  • Dying on the cross because God had already told him it was going to happen. Year 3
  • The last supper. Jesus loved spending time with his friends. EYFS – Year 4


Wow moments

  • Entering Jerusalem on a donkey. The crowds were cheering and shouting Hosanna for Jesus. Year 3
  • When God resurrected and went back to heaven. EYFS - Year 4



Jesus spent some time praying in the garden of Gethesmane.  What does praying mean to Christians?

What does it mean to you?  How should we pray? 


  • Christians believe that praying means talking to God and they can be forgiven for their sins.
  • We pray when we want to thank God, ask God something or say sorry.
  • When you speak to God about the good and the bad things and he will listen.
  • Praying is a sacred time with God.
  • To fully connect with God.
  • Praying for me helps me let my anger out and be calm. It allows me time to apologise to God.
  • We should pray respectfully. If you don’t want to pray, you can sit quietly to allow others their time in Collective Worship.
  • Saying Amen means you agree with what it said in the prayer.
  • It is optional.
  • You can say a prayer in private or shared in a group.


EYFS and KS1

  • Praying helps me to be kind and makes me feel more like a Christian.
  • We pray calmly and respectfully in our homes, church, school or on our own.
  • Praying means talking to God about anything.
  • Christians pray everywhere, not only in church. You can even say a quick prayer in your head.
  • We pray at school at lunch times and home time.
  • We put our hands together to pray.
  • We pray to say thank you to God for our beautiful world and for keeping our animals safe.



What have you enjoyed the most in you RE lessons and Collective Worship? Is there anything you would like to improve?


"I really enjoy Godly play. I like to listen to the story and show my understanding by making something or writing about it."

"I like it when Rev Laura visits and shares a story with us in CW."

"It was nice learning about how Jesus’ life worked."

"Learning about different cultures and religions."

"We enjoyed visiting the church and having services there."

"I like taking part in Collective Worship."

"Singing, listening and acting out stories."

"iSIngPop and watching stories."



"More Scratch games."

"It’d be nice to have a Christian value certificate each week."

"Invite more visitors in."

"Learn more about other faiths."

"Children to act out parables."

"Watch how people pray in different faiths."


Autumn 2 

Christianity believes that the Ultimate Gift of Christmas was the birth of Jesus. 

Why was Jesus born?

"Jesus was part of the rescue plan."

"He needed to teach people to care, share and tell the truth."

"To bring good news."

"Jesus showed everyone what love and respect means."

"People were being unkind so God decided to come to Earth in human form so he sent Jesus."

"To share God's love with people."


Showing generosity does not only mean giving someone presents. 

What other ways can we show generosity? 

"Donating toys to people who don't have any."

"Lending a helping hand."

"Simple acts of kindness e.g. playing with someone who is lonely."

"Giving someone your time." 

"Sharing and caring." 

"To think about others before yourself." 

"Spreading joy and goodness." 


Autumn 1

What do the words LOVE LEARN LIVE mean to us at St. Peter's?

"God/Jesus loves us so we can care for each other, we go to school to learn as a community so we live our best lives." Year 3

"They are important for a good life." Year 2

"We will be God's friends and he will look after us forever." Year 2

"If we follow this, we can live the best lives." Year 2

It's about us and Jesus...we love him, we learn from him and live with him." Year 4

"St Peter loved Jesus and learnt from him to live the best life...we are just like St Peter." Year 2

"It means there is friendship all around us." EYFS

"It makes us special." EYFS

"Love is we care about each other at school and look out for one another, learn is we share our knowledge to be the best that we can be and live a happy life." Year 4

"We are loved so we can love other people, we learn from other people and all the books at school.  We learn from our mistakes so we can live the best life possible." Year 2 


Open Morning - Saturday 28th September 10.00am until 12 noon for families of children due to start school in September 2025