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St. Peter's Droitwich C of E Academy

"Love, Learn, Live"


Home Page

Living Out Our Vision

Love Learn Live


Jesus was supported in his ministry by his twelve disciples, including St. Peter.  They worked together, preaching the Good News, to give people an understanding of the Kingdom of God and the eternal hope that they had through Him. 


They each knew that Jesus loved them. 

They learned from Jesus everyday from what he said and did. 

They then went out into the world and lived their lives like Jesus asked them. 

They flourished in the eyes of God.


                                                        Simon                         James                           Peter                         Jesus                             Thaddaeus             Thomas 

                               Philip                       Judas                      John                            James                      Andrew             Bartholomew           Matthew     

St. Peter's community is similar to the disciples of Jesus. Every decision we make is guided by our vision as the disciples were guided by Jesus.


The table above are examples of how we live out our vision at St Peter's (click on the pdf below to view a magnified version). 


The LOVE column demonstrates the act of love.  This could reference our Christian Values, British Values, The UN Sustainable Development Goals or the Rivers Stars


The LEARN column describes what learning will take place, for example, when sharing a bible story in collective worship, the curriculum content of an art unit of work or information gathered from a training course attended.


The LIVE column demonstrates a way in which we may choose to live our lives in response to what we have learned...therefore fulfilling the act of love and flourishing in the eyes of God. 

Love Learn Live

Open Morning - Saturday 28th September 10.00am until 12 noon for families of children due to start school in September 2025